Author Archive

Angela Zapien Updates…

Update as of September 1st 2020: Angela is doing very well. She has been seizure free for more than a year now. She had hip surgery 8 months ago and has fully recovered. Being outdoors, listening to music and spending time with her family are some of the things she enjoys. After our family was […]

Courtney Erikson Updates…

Written by Courtney, February 8th, 2020: Hello there! Long time since I last talked to you. Thought I’d give you a little update if you haven’t seen or heard already. We have been down here in Arizona since October. I got a transplant on December 18th 2019. Wahoo! I got discharged from the hospital on […]

2019 Results

PIG BOWL 2019 is in the books!!  Please Welcome the Rowan, Macnab and Erikson families to Center Stage! After raining all week Saturday September 21st was a Beautiful, Warm, Sunshiny Day! Sparky the Fire Dog, McGruff the Crime Dog, Bobber the Water Safety Dog and Smokey the Bear quickly made friends with The Dalles Youth […]


PIG BOWL 2019 is in the books!!  Please Welcome the Rowan, Macnab and Erikson families to Center Stage! After raining all week Saturday September 21st was a Beautiful, Warm, Sunshiny Day! Sparky the Fire Dog, McGruff the Crime Dog, Bobber the Water Safety Dog and Smokey the Bear quickly made friends with The Dalles Youth […]

2019 Game Time Points

Washington Game Time Points  (In addition to 2330) . Jan Schumaker –  The Dalles ………….……………..………….. $200 (28 pts) Mary Morehouse Bookkeeping Service – The Dalles …….. $200 (28 pts) _____________________________________________________________ Marilyn Wong – The Dalles..……………………….………..…….. $150 (21 pts) ________________________________________________________ Bob Songer – Goldendale ………….…….…………………………. $100 (14 pts) Rad Comp – The Dalles ……………………………………………… $100 (14 pts) ____________________________________________________ […]

Meeting Minutes 8-15-19

Pig Bowl Board Meeting Minutes August 15, 2019 Meeting to choose a recipient Attendees: Michael Holloran, Tammy Keys, April Weaver, Heather Walters Meeting called to order by Michael Holloran at 6:33 pm We talked about the Bubble Balls and decided that worked last year and are going to do it again. We discussed buying our […]


PIG BOWL ONCE AGAIN SELECTED 3 FAMILIES FOR 2019!! . Please click HERE to read more about Brynlynn Macnab . Please click HERE to read more about Courtney Erikson . Please click HERE to read more about Christian Rowan . Did you miss it? September 21st 7 pm Click HERE to review the 2019 Pig Program  . Wondering about the final score? Click HERE to […]

Jase Gibson Updates…

Written by Jase’s Mother, Holly Gibson, September 2019: It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year!  Jase had his last checkup early August, and it was by far his easiest appointment to date.  He no longer has to have CT scans, therefore no more sedation!!!  We also learned that he no longer has to […]

Brynlynn Macnab

Interested in seeing updates on Brynlynn? You can visit the “Where are they now” section of our website or click HERE.

Courtney Erikson

Did you know you can see updates on Courtney by visiting the “Where are they now” section of our website? You can also click HERE to see the updates right now.