Meeting Minutes 5-12-20

Pig Bowl Meeting


May 12, 2020

Covid Pandemic Special Edition

Attendees Via Google Duo: Michael Holloran, Tammy Keys, April Weaver, Heather Walters, Scott Rector, Theresa Cagle, Stan Berkshire, Randy Wells, Angela Pollard

Meeting started at 7:00 pm by Michael Holloran

Each person spoke about their feelings on how this year may look.

Pretty much everyone is worried about the large gathering ban being extended through the normal event time.


Scott: later in the year and inside maybe going to a basketball game instead? No fans?

Heather: later in the year? playing for one family?

Teresa: concerned about no event no sales on concessions.

Angela: Live Stream? Venmo account? Put a price on the player doing weird things?

Tammy: Push it later? Kind of need the event a big amount made the day of. Play for one family?

Randy: worried about stay at home order, lower donations because businesses closed.

Stan: pushing it out. Playing for one family.

April: play for one family, maybe volleyball, wait until next summer play softball, stay open to different ideas.

Michael: Play for one family, stated he will be extra busy in September with his Son going on to College.

Scott: suggested basketball, and have extra stuff at the half.

Heather: suggested Michael delegate responsibilities to others instead of taking it all on himself.

Scott: actually have heads of each different sections.

April: agrees about the delegating responsibilities.

Stan’s falling asleep, but suggested scooter football.

Tammy: what ever we decide keep the name “Pig Bowl” and add “whatever” edition.

We decided to get something out on facebook now, letting people know we are still planning to have at the very least the fundraising and to send in their nominations.

Set next meeting for June 23, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Meeting adjourned 8:09 pm