Pig Fan Mail


Hi Pig Bowl –

We attended last week and had the honor to sit next to honoree Donovan Doroski’s Father Keith. After halftime he shared how much the community support meant to him and we were really moved. Please accept this contribution in his honor and add it to the Fire/EMT total.

Best Regards, Susan & Kirk Andrews

Susan and Kirk, Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience. Although all points must be purchased prior to the end of the game. We will certainly add the contribution to the amount given to this year’s families. We will also proudly display this email and honor both you and the Doroski Family. We are truly blessed to be a small part of what God is doing in this community.



Pig Bowl Organization…

I’m sorry this check is coming after the event, but I hope you can get the money to the Anderson & Marble families. We were so touched by the article in the Goldendale Sentinel. This has been a tough year for law enforcement. Our son is works for the Gresham Police Department so we support the thin blue line.

Thank you for the work you do to help these families and others in years past.

Linda Erickson

Linda, Thank you for taking the time to write.  Yes we will definitely get your check to these two incredible families.  We are blessed to live in a community that supports those of us on the front lines.  Thank you for your kind words and may God Bless your family and protect your son.


We are so grateful for the “Good Works” that you are doing in our community… Glad to help

Toni and the Team at The Springs!

Thank you so much! You and your staff are such a blessing to so many in this community as well. Thank you for reaching out to us last year and for your continued support in 2016. We at the Pig Bowl believe that we show our love through our actions and we are committed to loving this community one family at a time.  Thank you to each and every one of you for being such a big part of that.



My cousin Jennifer Magill was a Pig Bowl recipient years ago and it was so amazing to see her and her family go on a trip before she passed away.  I would love to donate as a Washington business owner. My stores grand opening is on the 19th otherwise I would be there…
Thank you for the post of the link to our website, and whew, what a day we had Saturday!!!
Hope the game was entertaining and a huge success. I know that each family benefiting from this program is blessed and I can’t say enough kind words about everyone involved. Thank you for all the long hours and constant heartfelt dedication. Bless you and your family! Keep us in mind for next year please.
I did mention to my family that we made the donation this year and my grandmas eyes lit up knowing it was a reference to Jenny, whom I looked up to. I miss her. We all do. But knowing that another family has the means to celebrate and make memories puts a smile on my face.

Hiedi Lee    Sporting Systems   www.sporting-systems.com

Thank you for your donation and your wonderful emails Hiedi.  We are truly blessed that the Pig Bowl Family continues to grow throughout Oregon, Washington and has even ties around the country.  We miss Jennifer Magill as well, she was an amazing person. We are so happy for your new business and pray that it continues to grow.

God Bless You.


You all are true heroes on so many levels! – Stephanie Bowen

So Cool! – Amanda

Thank you for helping to make our community better. – Corey

Thanks for starting such a great tradition in our community and keeping it going – Anne

So Appreciate what you do for our community – Awesome group! – Celeste

We wanted to thank all the Pig Bowl Law Enforcement Officers for your time and dedication to the Pig Bowl and all its worthy recipients. Thank you for going above & beyond! – The Mid Columbia Health Foundation

And we appreciate all of you.  We truly do live in a wonderful community.  It is rare that Law Enforcement officers get thanked for their duties.  Thank you so much for your kind words and for taking the time to send us such a wonderful card.  We are happy to be able to give back to such an amazing group of people.

-The Pig Bowl Pigs



The Pig Bowl meant so much to me and my husband.  Although our medical bills will be ongoing for several years, because of the money we received, we no longer have a huge financial burden to deal with. We are now able to focus on my health and cancer treatments.   The Pig Bowl event was wonderful, having the community come together and offer their support meant a lot to us.  Thank you to all of the Pig Bowl coordinators, we appreciate all that you did for us.  Please know you will always be in our hearts.

Thanks again.  Misty & Derek Martin

Thank you for your words of encouragement Misty.  The Pig Bowl truly is an event that brings the entire Columbia Gorge together for one purpose.  We will continue to pray for you both.  We look forward to seeing you at many Pig Bowls to come. May God bless you with a complete recovery.



I am so grateful for this blessing for the families that are being touched by this event. Through time this event has touched so many lives and communities. This is more than a game, it has become a mission; bringing together families and communities. I can see the challenges these families face and the diligence of your committee in making it through the selection process. Thank you again for this wonderful event and touching the hearts of so many people.

Best Regards Scott Gorton

Thank you for your letter Scott. The selection process is never easy. We wish we were able to help everyone.  However, we very are excited to be helping  TWO families this year for the first time ever!  You are exactly right, the Pig Bowl is so much more than a football game. It is our desire to keep the focus off of ourselves; for it is by His Grace alone that we play.


Words cannot express our gratitude to you for all that you have done for my niece, Karen.  This is the first Pig Bowl that I have ever attended, so I didn’t know what to expect.  You guys went all out!  It was a real class act!!  The whole family is thankful and in awe of all you have done. You are truly an answer to prayer! May God bless you all for your kindness!  

 Pam Jussila, RN   MCMC


Thank you for your kind words Pam. We truly give God all the credit and want Him to get the Glory.  Things never go quite perfectly, but He always works it out. We certainly can’t complain about the amount of money we raised this year. 

Hopefully we will see you at many events for years to come.



PIG BOWL PARTICIPANTS are Home-Town HERO’S… Thanks again for all the great things you do for our community on the field, and your service in your Day Jobs, you guys are great!

God Bless You – Ryan & Edie Wollam of Taurus Capet Cleaning


NO- THANK YOU RYAN & EDIE – It is community volunteers like the two of YOU that really make the Pig Bowl what it is!



I am writing to thank you for this wonderful program.  I attended my first pig bowl last night for Jennifer Magill and have never felt so proud to participate in something so important.  The opening was beautiful and I love how Jennifer and her family were transported in & had their moment in the spotlight.  The officers that all participated in the game were wonderful.  I hadn’t been to a football game since high school nor did I really have any interest until now.

I do not know who gets the credit for coming up with such a wonderful program… but for everyone involved, god bless you!  I felt like it was a rare and pure moment of the community pulling together to help support a much needed family in need… and I was proud to be there.  I also hope to participate at every Pig Bowl event going forward.


Laurie Hicks
Parkdale, OR


Thank you for your kind words Laurie. 



I wanted to thank you and everyone who supported the Pig Bowl for choosing Jennifer Magill and her family as this year’s beneficiary. I grew up with Jenni and still consider her as close as a sister. My life led me away from The Dalles and I now live in Boston, MA with my family. It has been so difficult over the last three years watching Jen struggle through her cancer battle from afar. I try to visit at least once a year. It is just so wonderful to know there are so many people out there watching out for her and her family. So from the bottom of my heart thank you for raising so much money to help her family and her through the next round of her treatments.

All my best,
Sarah Swanson


Thank you for taking the time to write Sarah. We truly live in a wonderful community.



Just to let you know, I can not find the words to express myself right now either, although I don’t think you can ever come up with words that can express my families thanks, and gratitude that this entire community, and our friends and family have shown us, especially this last Saturday!! It was truly an amazing night! I was very proud…

But right now I am crying (tears of joy) so hard….I can’t believe that people reached out like that!! We are truly blessed and touched and the thanks goes to all of you who helped with this event!


We Love You Jennifer! 

May God Heal Your Body 100% From The Inside Out!


First off may I please try to express my thanks to you. I don’t feel that words can -but I will do my best… Thanks to you, your passion to help, your desire to succeed, your compassion for others and your ability to gain peoples help- you have given my family the best gift anyone could – peace of mind! Dollars aside, we knew that This was going to help us out – but NEVER in my wildest dreams did I imagine THIS kind of help! Thank you and Thank the Lord – for this is not short of a Miracle.

 Jennifer, Jason and Gavin Magill


Amen to that Jennifer!



Hi! We just wanted to say thank you SO much for all your help with the Pig Bowl! We know you worked so hard and we are so grateful and appreciate you so much!

Thank you also for being such a wonderful Christian example! We are excited about what God is doing in The Dalles — The town really seems to have come together 🙂

We hope to see you again soon! Thanks again for the warm welcome home and all the hard work!

God Bless You!

Melissa & Christian Bagge


Thank you for your kind words Melissa. We really do live in a great community. We pray that God will continue to be glorified through the Pig Bowl. It is amazing to see what can be accomplished when people work together and give HIM the glory.