Author Archive


The 2016 PIG BOWL Took Place on Saturday September 17th 2016 . For 13 years Law Enforcement officers and the Pig Bowl have blessed families throughout the Columbia River Gorge. In 2016 we had a chance to bless them back. Representing the great state of Washington; The Marble Family of Dallesport. Deputy Gaven Marble, his […]

Pre-Purchased Points 2016

  OREGON PRE-PURCHASED POINTS . Hogg & Davis Inc. – Odell ……………………………….. $3000 (420pts) ________________________________________________________________ Employees of Wasco Electric – The Dalles………………….. $1000 (140pts) ________________________________________________________________ Fraternal Order of Eagles – Hood River…..………………….$560 (77pts) ________________________________________________________________ Deanna Zaniker – The Dalles……………………………………….$500 (70pts) Jose Guzman – Guzman Brother’s Towing – Hood River…. $500 (70pts) Employee Guild NORCOR………………………………………..$500 (70pts) Kidz Dental Zone […]

Mike Anderson

    The following Information was written prior to the Pig Bowl in August 2016… Mike was born and raised in Hood River, Oregon. Mike ‘s dedication to serving his community began at the age of 16 when he became a student firefighter with the Hood River Fire Department. Right after graduation from Hood River […]

Meeting Minutes 7-31-16

Pig Bowl Meeting Minutes July 31, 2016 Meeting to pick a recipient Attendees: Michael Holloran, Jennifer Holloran, Tammy Keys, Randy Wells, Stan Berkshire, Teresa Cagle Meeting called to order by Michael Holloran at 6:35pm We received a request from ACOE to have the Mascot Bobber the water safety dog make an appearance at the Pig […]


. In Case You Missed It Please Click This Link To See The full 2015 Pig Program .  Or to read more about Tana Slawson please click HERE . Or to read more about Lila May please click HERE

Tana Slawson Updates…

On Monday August 15th, 2016 Tana wrote… “I have been feeling pretty good. I went off chemo and steroids about 3months ago. I had a seizer  two days before my scheduled MRI. When I had my MRI they found spots on my brain, on the same side as the last tumor. I went back in a […]

Lila May Updates…

Sadly Lila May Schow passed away prior to the Pig Bowl and was unable to make her appearance. Her family was also unable to attend.  Please keep them in your prayers. .

2015 Results

  PIG BOWL 2015 For the 3rd year in a row, the 13th Annual Pig Bowl was played for Two different Families.   Tana Slawson and her Husband Rick of Goldendale as well as Heidi, Blake, Lila May and Mia Hall of Hood River. . The weather was great and it wasn’t long before red and […]

Gretchen McCoy Updates…

. Written by Gretchen in October 2015 Hello Pig Bowl Supporters, I am finally sitting down to write my update. My life is wonderfully busy. It has been four years since my diagnosis. The first year of Stage 4 Triple Negative Breast Cancer is the most crucial so I am happy to bypass that one […]

Team Roster 2015

WASHINGTON ROSTER 2015 UNIFORM # THE PIG AGENCY PIG BOWL EXPERIENCE 00 Sterling Beasley Son of KCSO Rookie 2 Deputy Ross Guiney KCSO 4 4 TJ Lund Ringer 7 6 Officer Lauren Baker BWSPD Rookie 9 Adminstrative Assistant Maria Hutchens GPD 1 W9 Officer Ashley Hackett BWSPD Rookie 17 Deputy Jason Ritoch KCSO 3 22 […]